A Lesson From Count Dooku
First I want to stress that I love Star Wars. I first saw Star Wars when I was a boy in the ninety-nineties. I watched the original trilogy on VHS cassettes with my younger brother. It was our mom who rented the cassettes from a local video rental store. Some years later I went to the cinema to see the Special Edition of The Empire Strikes Back. And I remember how eager I was to see the new trilogy at the turn of the old Millennium and at the beginning of the new one. Star Wars became an essential part of my coming of age and Star Wars are related to some of my nicest memories from my teenage years. I am not the one who agrees with what Queen sing in their Bicycle Race: “and I don’t like Star Wars” (although Queen has also been my favourite band for a damn long time). This December, I will be there too. But what I have witnessed during last days shocked me a lot. The release of the second teaser trailer became a monstrous event. Sure, teasers and trailers are an insepar...