
Showing posts from February, 2016

Conference: Between State Plan and Research Freedom

Hooray! My first conference attendance related to my current Ph.D. project will take place on 17 and 18 March. It will be a conference jointly organized by three institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The name is Between State Plan and Research Freedom and the conference will aim to cover Central European ethnography and ethnology during four decades of socialism. My paper is called  Imported tradition: A Challenge or a threat and it will cover the first years after the Velvet Revolution. True, the topic is temporally outside of the scope of the conference, but I hope that I will be able to show how ethnography during socialism influenced the post-socialist attempts to establish anthropology in Czech academia. More information about the conference can be found  here . It is a pity that the summaries have not been published yet (I added mine below). Anyway, I was placed in a panel with Zdeněk Nešpor and Juraj Podoba as co-panellists. Both men are qui...

Švejkian Anthropology

After my last hate-entry from April 2015 about Star Wars (my estimation was not really far from the truth so to say), I decided to turn my blog to a research one. Things went in an unexpected direction and beginning with September last year I am a Ph.D. candidate in anthropology once again. As we say here - old love never rusts.  After my failed attempt at a Ph.D., I could not resist the temptation and I am head over heels with anthropology again. To be honest, I never gave it up during my hiatus after my previous Ph.D had unsuccessfully ended. But this time there are deadlines. There is one more change. I am not in Pilsen anymore. This time I am at the Charles University in Prague. The Erasmus year I spent in Durham (UK) as a part of my previous Ph.D. turned out to be more subversive than I had expected. You can read an article summing up my experience (hence the  title and the label Švejkian anthropology). This finally brings me to the topic of my current Ph.D. ...