
Showing posts from August, 2016

My Private Nausea

Postmodernism, poststructuralism, deconstruction, interpretive turn, Lacanian psychoanalysis, Hegelian Marxism, Bourdieu, anthropology of post-Socialism, Saussurean semiotics, postcolonial studies, science and technology studies, Žižek, strong programme, Foucault, Nigel Thrift, Jacques Lacan, hermeneutics, Graeber, anarchistic (or anarchist?) anthropology, ontological turn, Strathern (but which one?), non-human anthropology, Kristeva, cognitive anthropology, cyborg anthropology, Merleau-Ponty, perspectivism, anthropology of landscape, political theory, Latour, actor-network theory, Sahlins waiting for Foucault, Latour, STS, Peirce's semiotics, who-the-f**k-cares anthropology, merological anthropology, phylogenetic analysis of culture, ethnomethodology, symmetric anthropology (of asymmetries!), phenomenological anthropology, ethical turn, Descola, theory of practice, dark anthropology, Anti-Latour, marxist hermeneutics, Foucault not coming anthropological anthropology, Heidegger, m...