Let's play humiliation

HAU FB page shared this list of 30 essential books in anthropology compiled by AllegraLab. The original post is here.

So if you are up for a round of humiliation, do not hesitate to share your ignorance. Mine is marked  in bold and makes two thirds of the list.

  1. Geertz, C., 1973, The Interpretation of Cultures. Basic Books.
  2. Lévi-Strauss, C., 1955, Tristes tropiques. Librairie Plon.
  3. Malinowski, B., 1922, Argonauts of the Western Pacific. E.P. Dutton.
  4. Mauss, M., 1950[1923-24], Essai sur le don. Forme et raison de l’échange dans les sociétés archaïques. Presses Universitaires de France.
  5. Appadurai, A., 1996, Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalization. University of Minnesota Press.
  6. Boas, F., 1911, The Mind of Primitive Man. MacMillan.
  7. Tylor, E.B., 1871, Primitive Culture. John Murray.
  8. Mead, M., 1928, Coming of Age in Samoa. William Morrow and Co.
  9. Evans-Pritchard, E.E., 1937, Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic among the Azande. Oxford University Press.
  10. Douglas, M., 1966, Purity and Danger. Routledge & Kegan Paul.
  11. Strathern, M., 1988, The Gender of the Gift: Problems with Women and Problems with Society in Melanesia. University of California Press.
  12. Lévi-Strauss, C., 1947, Les Structures élémentaires de la parenté. Mouton.
  13. Morgan, L.H., 1877, Ancient Society. MacMillan.
  14. Das, V., 2006, Life and Words. Violence and the Descent into the Ordinary. University of California Press.
  15. Abu-Lughod, L., 1986, Veiled Sentiments. Honor and Poetry in a Bedouin Society. University of California Press.
  16. Barth, F., ed., 1969, Ethnic Groups and Boundaries. The Social Organization of Culture Difference. Waveland Press.
  17. Benedict, R., 1934, Patterns of Culture. Houghton Mifflin.
  18. Bateson, G., 1936, Naven. A Survey of the Problems Suggested by a Composite Picture of the Culture of a New Guinea Tribe Drawn from Three Points of View. Stanford University Press.
  19. Favret-Saada, J., 1977, Les mots, la mort, les sorts: la sorcellerie dans le bocage. Gallimard.
  20. Wolf, E.R., 1982, Europe and the People without History. University of California Press.
  21. Shostak, M., 1981, Nisa: The Life and Words of a !Kung Woman. Harvard University Press.
  22. Girard, R., 1972, La violence et le sacré. Grasset.
  23. Clifford, J., Marcus, G.E., eds., 1986, Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography. University of California Press.
  24. Dumont, L., 1966, Homo Hierarchicus. Essai sur le système des castes. Gallimard.
  25. Scheper-Hughes, N., 1992, Death without Weeping. The Violence of Everyday Life in Brazil. University of California Press.
  26. Sahlins, M., 1972, Stone Age Economics. Aldine de Gruyter.
  27. Bloch, M.E.F., 1998, How We Think They Think: Anthropological Approaches to Cognition, Memory, and Literacy. Westview Press.
  28. Nader, L., 1990, Harmony Ideology. Justice and Control in a Zapotec Mountain Village. Stanford University Press.
  29. Tambiah, S.J., 1990, Magic, Science, Religion and the Scope of Rationality. Cambridge University Press.
  30. Gluckman, M., 1955, The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia (Zambia). Manchester University Press.

Pretty humiliating, right...?


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